MegaCon 2015 - New Appreciation For Cosplay

Tags: Cosplay, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Gun, Marvel, MegaCon, Photo, Pyramid Head, Silent Hill, Star-Lord, Sword
I decided to take a drive down the street and hang out at MegaCon 2015.
It was about time I went and checked one out. I have no excuse since I'm so close to it. People plan months in advance and fly here from all over the world and I'm a 10 minute drive away. I'm pathetic. Honestly, I was more interested in the cosplayers than the celebrities. Of course it would've been cool to get Stan Lee's autograph or take a selfie with Norman Reedus, but witnessing the utter craftsmanship and dedication that goes into the whole cosplay experience at MegaCon is like being behind the scenes of one ginormous movie set mashup. I haven't indulged my inner gamer in a long time, so this was a great fix in many ways. I knew everyone was going to drain every last percentile of their phone battery taking photos, so I figured I could help take some shots that aren't selfies. There was literally a sea of people.

Must have a least one Boba Fett. *Edit: But this is actually Jango Fett. I'm slightly embarrassed, I should know better. (Thanks Mark)

Black Cat by Honey Kitty Cosplay

Professional Cosplay Models: Last Second Cosplay & Honey Kitty Cosplay

Dead Pool. Popular Cosplay this year.

He is Groote. by Fanboy Props (and his first Cosplay!)

Fantastic Skeletor.

Nicole Hoelzer & Jeff Hoelzer (Another awesome Star-Lord)

Ok, here's Boba Fett. :-)

This guy was legit.

The man on the right is there for scale. He's about 6'.

One of my favs for sure. The picture does not do justice to the massive amount of detail put into this one. This cosplay won Best Game Costume and was made by Scott Sims of S H Sims Cosplay

PYRAMID HEAD! I was super stoked to witness this.

Brought back so many wondrous memories of playing Silent Hill at all hours with friends.

A diverse mix: Star-lord, Arno Dorian from assassins creed, Ash ketchum, Ezio from assassins creed, and Skull Kid. You can find them on their Facebook group Basterd Brotherhood Cosplay. (Chris Carrot-siello, Raphael Perez, Nick LoCastro and Travis Comnick.)

Awesome Star-Lord pose by Orlando FL Cosplayer Nick LoCastro. Find him on instagram: @GhostWaza.

Perfectly creepy.

Crazy swords. *EDIT: This is Draven from League of Legends. (Thanks Mikitchi)

Gotta love the squirt gun.

She did awesome. Those swords were heavy.

So blue.

Halo? I'm not quite sure, but awesome. *EDIT: These are from Pacific Rim. (Thanks Souji)

Another Skeletor. Liked both of them.

Jen Belak nailed the look. This cosplay was based off of a painting her husband made.

Beautifully exotic Storm by Visceral Kristal

The photo doesn't show it, but his helmet and mask were fully functional, lights and all. Alexander Gothelf | Costume: Junk Punk

Scout Trooper!

On his post.

The only Cable I saw, glad I did.

This guy was 100% into it. Ricky Torres as Planet of the Apes Gorilla Soldier.

This is like childhood video game bliss.

I'm not even sure what this is, but wow! *EDIT: This is Lissandra from League of Legends (Thanks Mikitchi).

Had to include this Link too. He had the sounds down and everything. Super impressed.

Just a casual day in the life of a Sand Trooper.

Constantine. (Talon Steinhauer from A Couple Of Geeks)

Lighting up.

So that was my first MegaCon experience. I'm new to the whole cosplay thing, so if missed characters or don't quite have the lingo down, go easy on me ;-) Hope you enjoyed the recap. Let me know what you think (or characters I've missed) in the comments. If you find yourself in one of these photo let me know so I can credit you. And special thanks to Luke Plunkett for featuring this on Kotaku!